Curiosity & Connection with Linwood Paul & Matt D’Amour of Subtle Distinctions

For the effective leader, curiosity is a powerful tool to build and nurture strong connections. 

Today we speak with leadership experts Linwood Paul and Matt D’Amour of Subtle Distinctions about how fostering your curiosity will make you a better leader; especially at times when emotions run high.  From taking stock of your inner-world to helping people feel seen and heard, we touch on the leadership benefits of being curious and how this leads to greater productivity and ultimately, higher returns. 

This is a conversation filled with actionable steps to expand your leadership ability. Tune in to benefit from Linwood and Matt’s proven insights.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The need to free up space in our minds for what’s most important.

  • Exploring the links between curiosity and building connections.

  • What you can do to develop curiosity in your life.

  • Building a connection by making people feel seen and heard.

  • Hear about the pillars that lead to being a present and open leader.

  • Advice on how people can stay connected during the pandemic.

  • Linwood and Matt talk about how they maintain their connection as business partners and colleagues.

  • The five currencies that we expend for any action and how this impacts our perception of a service or product.

  • The differences between finding time, making time, or taking time.

  • Connecting before doing business versus connecting after business has concluded.

  • Modeling your work culture so that your team is aware of all expectations.

  • Why you need to give your team an opportunity to share their views.

  • How you can make excellent decisions by creating a pool of shared meaning.


“Part of connecting is also letting go of some things, and allowing the top priorities to remain at a place on the desktop where they can be easily accessed.” — Linwood Paul [0:02:38]

“As it relates to building connections, curiosity keeps things fresh and open. It keeps possibilities available.” — Linwood Paul [0:03:36]

“Curiosity only comes through inquiry. When someone inquires — that satiates [a] person’s desire to be seen and heard. That is at the core of a fundamental need in all humans.” — Matt D’Amour [0:06:32]

“We’re focusing on how technology can help us connect faster but in that process, we’re losing a lot of intention in how we want to connect.” — Matt D’Amour [0:15:10]

“The more effort that we have to put into connecting, the more we value that connection and try to get the most out of it.” — Matt D’Amour [0:24:50]

“How about calling it unsocial media, you know? It’s unsocial media. ‘I’ve got a billion follower!’ Well, how many of them do you know?” — Linwood Paul [0:28:40]

“Each of us enters a conversation with our own feelings and experiences on a topic. This is our personal pool of meaning. With people, we need to create a pool of shared meaning. The more meaning we add to that pool, the better decisions we make.” — Linwood Paul [0:44:40]

“The more that we can get everyone talking, the more we’re going to come away with something better than any one person’s idea. It’s not either-or. It’s co-creation.” — Linwood Paul [45:05]

Episodes Archive

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